Someone once said, you can’t have something be all three of these elements: cheap, fast, and good.
No idea who said it first, and even as I tried to Google it at length, many multiple versions of this axiom came up, credited to a great many more individuals. The essence of it of course is this – it is a commonly held belief that you can only optimize two of these three elements as follows;
Anything done cheaply and fast won’t be any good.
Anything done fast and good won’t be cheap.
Anything done good and cheap won’t be fast.
At Forest, we have always had quality as one of our guiding principles. Often, we were accused by vendors of being snobs or elitist for not wanting to sell their products. Even if we were offered lucrative opportunities or juicy kickbacks, the answer would -always- be no. Our competition would happily be selling the inferior components, pricing their gear lower than ours, and then dealing with the inevitable concerns that a lack of quality brings to a product.
Granted, overall quality is up across the board compared to 20 years ago, however, there are still products that are clearly superior to others. This is why we only select the best of a given class of components. While there are several manufacturers of mainboard, RAM, storage, power supply, etc. to choose from, it remains vitally important to balance cost -with- quality. We do all the tests, read all the reviews, and make our “snobbish” selections so our customers can be assured that they’re getting a great product. Many don’t know that the big box PC brands select whatever is cheapest that day for the vital components of your system (RAM and storage), buy a million of them, and then sell boxes for far less than we can, and will.
How we prefer to interpret this so-called “iron triangle” is thus; and we -can- indeed optimize all three elements! At Forest, we will provide you with quality, in a timely fashion, at what is always a -fair- price. It may not necessarily be what some might consider to be “cheap,” but it will absolutely always be fair and honest.
Let our highly experienced wizards design something for you – be it a single system for gaming or engineering, or a tightly integrated solution for a high-tech hotel – we’ve done it all, or if we haven’t done it, we know and trust someone who can.
Take care,
While there are several manufacturers of mainboard, RAM, storage, power supply, etc. to choose from, it remains vitally important to balance cost -with- quality.