Well, here I am. 🙂
Someone told me I should write, so here we go! Musings, thoughts, occasional mental diarrhea, also known as … a blog. Direct from the co-founder and now CTO of Forest Computers, our little technology company founded way back in the last millennium – 1995, to be precise. As such, since a little bit of time has passed, we thought a profound redesign of our website was long overdue. This wonderful new site sure has come a long way from flying toasters and golfing Lemmings! All credit to our most excellent designer, Ingrid, who is heading up our Forest On-Line Marketing Solutions division.
Since our inception, we’ve seen a thing or two when it comes to technology. I myself grew up on the venerable Commodore64 genre, which included the all-in-one Commodore Pet, and the lower-end Vic20. Storing data on audio cassettes, later on floppy disc, praying that there wouldn’t be a corruption on the media – ahh, those were the days! Now, we build systems that can push data around at the rate of nearly 5GB/second – also known as 29,127 of my beloved Commodore floppy disks – every. single. second.
I was also cross-trained with Apple even back in those days, something that I have carried through to the present – it’s vitally important to expose oneself to all available technological options, and stay informed of current developments in order to remain relevant after nearly three decades in business. I sure wish I had kept an original Apple II, but we do have a Mac SE in the museum, with a whopping 30MB hard drive – and the thing still works! Appropriate to have in our office, since we strive to build our systems to last as well.
With this blog, on a monthly basis I will bring my experience to bear on a variety of topics not only limited to technology – I hope to include elements of my years in business, dealings with clients and vendors, and interesting happenings.
I would also love to open this up to the public at large; If anyone would like to suggest a topic for me to write about, please send your ideas to theblog@forestcomputers.com and we’ll credit you for your idea should it be used.
As we move into our fourth decade of business, and especially after the events of the past two years, I feel that human connection is more vital than ever. Hopefully this blog helps to accomplish a bit of connection for you, dear reader, as so many of us now live in an “always connected” world. I’ve always believed that technology is an important tool that can help accomplish goals more easily, but I fear we’ve forgotten a few things as a result; for example, how to have original thoughts (too easy to Google a solution), how to hold an intelligent and meaningful conversation (quick text messages as a replacement), and how to value in-person human interaction – though the pandemic sure helped to make us keenly aware of what’s been taken for granted on that front.
OKAY – enough sliding into the moody muck! Beware though, in this blog, nothing’s off the table. Let’s have fun with this, let’s have a dialog, and let’s stay…. always connected.
Take care,
As we move into our fourth decade of business, and especially after the events of the past two years, I feel that human connection is more vital than ever.